Using Chrome, navigate to
This will redirect you to the Mt. Garfield page.
Enter your full email again and your password and click Sign In
At this point, you will be prompted to secure your account.
You may choose either a phone call or a text message to verify your account.
If you requested a phone call, you will receive a call. After answering the phone call, the account is verified.
If you requested a text, you will receive a text message with a code to enter.
After verifying your account, you will see the following. Select Next
Next, you will configure an alternate email address as an additional option. Note that you cannot use your Hilltop ([email protected]) as your recovery email address.
After entering your alternate email address, check your personal email and retrieve the code.
Enter the code and click Next
You will then see the following to let you know you have successfully set up MFA:
If you don’t see this page, that’s okay. You are still set up.
You will now be re-directed back to the Mt. Garfield page to continue signing in.
Once you’ve hit Sign In you will receive a verification (either by text or phone- whichever option you chose).
Whenever you log into your Hilltop email on a new device, you will be prompted to verify your identification. Additionally, you will be asked to re-verify periodically.
With MFA configured, if you access your Hilltop email on your cell phone, you will need to install and use the Microsoft Outlook application. The built in email apps on your phone will no longer be able to authenticate.