SDB App Troubleshooting

Black screen

Restart tablet

Unable to connect to vg-cor-sdbapp

  1. Check internet connection
  2. Check VPN on meraki
  3. Check to make sure the vg-cor-sdbapp has been started in Hyper-V (on vh-cor13)

Path not found when opening app

Check to make sure vg-cor-app2 has been started in Hyper-V

Other issues

  1. Make sure the tablet is connected to wifi
    1. PC admins can log in to a normal desktop with Ctrl-Alt-Delete
  2. Make sure the tablet has access to the internet
    1. Ping
  3. Make sure the tablet has access to dns
    1. Ping
  4. Make sure the tablet has access to the vpn
    1. Ping vg-cor-dc50-02
  5. Make sure the tablet can access the sdb app servers
    1. Ping vg-cor-sdbapp
    2. Ping vg-cor-app2
    3. Ping vg-cor-sql-04
  6. Restart tablet